Wednesday, March 2

Mural art project at school

This week was Montessori week and Auntie Marie asked me to present an artwork I did with the kids. We showed our master piece and put it up in the classroom. I’m so proud of the kids! Their mural is fantastic! The did the background in all values of blue. The preschool painted wooden pieces in the blue values. First elementary painted and decorated the wooden fishes and starfishes.

Deze week was Montessori week en Auntie Marie had gevraagd om een kunstwerk voor te stellen waar ik met de kinderen had aan gewerkt. We lieten ons meesterstuk zien en hingen het op in de klas. Ik ben zo trots op de kindjes! De muurschildering gemaakt uit hout is fantastisch! We deden de achtergrond in allerlei tinten blauwen. De kleuterklas schilderde kleine blokjes in alle tinten van blauw bovenop terwijl de eerste kleuterklas de houten vissen en zeesterren decoreerde.


  1. Nice addition to the school, they look like they really love working with you, who wouldn't??? I see what you mean about the gap, it would look nice with some sort of title filling in the space.

  2. Funny, I have never noticed the gap until you pointed it out here. It must look different in the classroom than in the eye of the lens, you know with all the busy little people underneath and all the desks and chairs out. It really looks AWESOME.

  3. Lovely!! It takes a good artist and good teacher to be able to oversee a project like this and have it turn out so nicely. What a good project.
