Wednesday, May 12

May-pole dancing

Julianne invited all the Garden Day families at her house to dance around the May-pole in their yard. After telling a story about the may-pole the kids did circle dances around the pole! It was such a beautiful and happy moment!!!!!!!

Julianne nodigde alle Garden Day families uit om te dansen rond de meipaal in hun tuin. Nadat zee en verhaal erover vertelde dansten we allemaal rond de paal, het was een bijzonder mooi en gelukkig moment!!!!!

Dit kleedje maakte ik voor Pheadra haar verjaardag. Ze staat er beeldig mee.

This dress I made for Pheadra’s birthday, she looks wonderful with it.

1 comment:

  1. These were cool, cool pictures. I had to click on almost every one of them to see them bigger. I love how everyone is growing - and love this beautiful get-together.
