Sunday, January 30

Kayaken on Talofofo river

Watersports make you feel so connected. We had 3 teams: Carsten, Ari and robin; Tom, Luna and Bas; Nadine, Ekko and me. It was a beautiful day, and the palm trees along the river are so island style. We raced against each other, pick-nicked on board and looked at all the beauty around us.

Watersporten doet je echt verbonden voelen. We hadden 3 teams: Carsten, Ari en robin; Tom, Luna en Bas; Nadine, Ekko en ik. Het was een prachtuge dag en de palmbomen langs de rivier voelden zo eiland stijl aan. We peldelden om ter vlugst, pick-nickten in de boot en keken naar al de pracht rond ons.

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